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Ryedene Primary and Nursery School

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Growing together to succeed   - Responsibility

Welcome from Mr. A. Toomer - Head of School

At Ryedene, we offer a safe, calm, vibrant learning environment in which children progress and thrive. Education is a journey that takes many years and we are confident that when you choose Ryedene it will be a happy and successful one. Paper copies of information on the website are available on request, for free, from our school office.

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Kind Words

  • Excellent care, guidance and support, combined with a rich curriculum, promote very high standards in pupils' personal development and well-being.

    Parent, Y3
  • All three of my children have had the best education provided by the wonderful adults at the school.

    Parent, Y2

Governor Vacancy

As a growing, popular school on the journey to 'outstanding', we are in need of Governors to become part of our already experienced and successful Local Governing Body. 


If you would be interested in becoming part of the Ryedene family as a Governor, please contact our Clerk, Mrs J. Fisher via the school office: admin@ryedene.essex.sch.uk OR via phone on 01268559291. 


We look forward to hearing from you.